I didn't think I needed to remind people, but in the late 90's people were so confident they could make quick, easy money in the stock market that they were buying stocks with little to no earnings, little research, and in on or two sectors alone. And, we all know what happened. People paid the price and paid it dearly. In fact, we experienced one of the largest losses in personal wealth in history soon after that.
Isn't this the same as what we have been seeing in the real estate market? How many people do you know that have changed their career to that industry, abandoned prudent investing philosophies to strike it rich in the real estate market, or simply think that making money in real estate is the best and only way? Real estate has an allure, but in fact real estate has not performed as well as stocks over the long-term and there are many risks of which people are either unaware or choose to minimize. Luckily, I am not alone in seeing this trend.
Robert Shiller, a finance and economics professor at Yale, sees the same trends in housing prices (which is no real surprise given the nation-wide softening) and warns that getting rich on real estate is usually overrated. If you recall, Mr. Shiller wrote the book called, you guessed it, "Irrational Exuberance", which forecasted the end of the 90's stock bubble.
In a recent Money Magazine interview, Mr. Shiller points to a few interesting facts: from 1890 to 1990 the return on real estate was just about zero after inflation, since 1986 its been about 6% or 3% after inflation, and that over investing in real estate is a recipe for disaster. At this point he has about 60% of his portfolio in stocks, he is very light on real estate, and continues to have a lot of holdings outside of the United States.
Money Magazine also ran a similar story on real estate versus stocks. They compared performance, costs, diversification, and effort needed to expand as an investor. In their analysis, stocks won. The only place that real estate wins is in the area of leverage. Most people know that it is the power of other peoples money or leverage that makes real estate investing powerful. However, the data suggests that this added leverage is oftentimes consumed by taxes, closing and purchasing costs, maintenance and other associated expenses. In all, people we continue to run after one trend or another. The smartest, however will avoid the hooplah or the "irrational exuberance" in any market. It's your choice.
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